


Сохранение расписания в XML » schedule_with_comments_eng.xml

Alexey Khakhanov, 24/05/2018 19:40

<root> <!-- Schedule block -->
<FileName>34961a97.blk</FileName> <!-- Block file name -->
<Type dt="i4">16</Type> <!-- Block type (1 - Commercial, 16 - Music, 4 - Broadcast, 2 - News, 1073741824 (0x40000000) - Undefined type) -->
<Name>Музыка</Name> <!-- Block user name -->
<Time dt="i4">0</Time> <!-- Block air time (millisec from day start) -->
<Size dt="i4">1200000</Size> <!-- Block duration (millisec) -->
<CurId dt="i4">33</CurId> <!-- Block items id generator position -->
<Flags dt="i4">32</Flags> <!-- Block flags:

/// <summary>
/// Block should not start earlier
/// </summary>
NoLate = 0x000001,

/// <summary>
/// Block should not start earlier
/// </summary>
NoEarl = 0x000004,

/// <summary>
/// Block can cut previous blocks
/// </summary>
SplitBlk = 0x000008,

/// <summary>
/// Block can cut items in previous blocks
/// </summary>
SplitPh = 0x000010,

/// <summary>
/// Block start time is fixed.
/// </summary>
TimeFix = 0x000020,

AutoBlock = 0x000040,
InsideProgram = 0x000080,
ManualLoad = 0x000100,
MusOverplan = 0x000200,

ExtBlkCmdOnStart = 0x000400,
ExtBlkCmdOnStop = 0x000800,
ExtBlkCmdOnOutro = 0x001000,

ExtBlkCmd = ExtBlkCmdOnStart | ExtBlkCmdOnStop | ExtBlkCmdOnOutro,

ETimeFix = 0x002000,
NTimeFix = 0x004000,

TimeMask = NoLate | NoEarl | SplitBlk | SplitPh | TimeFix | ETimeFix | NTimeFix,

AutoCalcTime = 0x008000, // for MAG, count time by clock position
Regional = 0x010000,
MainInRegion = 0x020000,
DisableUpdateRegion = 0x040000

<NumberOfSubjects>0</NumberOfSubjects> <!-- Number of news subjects in block. Radonly. -->
<PlaylistDateStr>Monday 14.07.14</PlaylistDateStr>
<ValStorage> <!-- Block user properties -->
<FloatUserProperty dt="f">123.1230011</FloatUserProperty> <!-- Float property. -->
<IntUserUroperty dt="i4">12345</IntUserUroperty> <!-- Integer property. -->
<StringUserProperty>String value</StringUserProperty> <!-- Text property. -->
<ELEM> <!-- Schedule block item -->
<ID dt="i4">1</ID> <!-- Item in block ID -->
<PhonoType dt="i4">4</PhonoType> <!-- Item type:
Unknown = 0,
Pause = 3,
Phonogram = 4,
Media = 8,
Info = 10,
Subject = 14,
Rotate = 15,
Video = 16,
PlaceHolder = 17
<State dt="i4">0</State> <!-- Item state -->
<Cmd dt="i4">0</Cmd> <!-- Item flags -->
<Size dt="i4">0</Size> <!-- Item planned duration (ms) -->
<Freq dt="i4">48000</Freq> <!-- Sample rate (Hz)-->
<SmplRealSize dt="i4">899713</SmplRealSize> <!-- Item file duration (samples) -->
<DB_ModifyDT dt="i8">130336963801170000</DB_ModifyDT> <!-- File modification time (FILETIME) -->
<JnglBtn dt="i4">-1</JnglBtn> <!-- Jingle mashine button -->
<StartTime dt="i4">4795</StartTime> <!-- Item start time (real or calculated) (ms from day start) -->
<PlanStartTime dt="i4">0</PlanStartTime> <!-- Item planned start time (ms from day start) -->
<Runtime dt="i4">15975</Runtime> <!-- Runtime (ms) -->
<FadeOut dt="i4">103699</FadeOut> <!-- Fade-out (samples) -->
<StartNext dt="i4">132927</StartNext> <!-- Start next posiition (samples) -->
<LabelFlags dt="i4">1</LabelFlags>
<FadeInType dt="i4">1</FadeInType>
<FadeOutType dt="i4">1</FadeOutType>
<MaxLvlOk dt="i4">1</MaxLvlOk> <!-- Item Peak and loudness is calculated -->
<MaxLvl dt="f">-3.940502882</MaxLvl> <!-- Item peak value (dBFs) -->
<Loudness dt="f">-15.36998177</Loudness> <!-- Loudness (LUFS) -->
<Gain dt="f">0</Gain> <!-- Playback gain (dB) -->
<Type dt="i4">2</Type> <!-- Item material type:

Unknown = 0,
Commercial = 1,
Jingle = 2,
Music = 3,
Program = 4,
News = 5
<FileName>\\EUROPA-AIR-FS\EUROPA\SND\Актуальная часовая.wav</FileName>
<dbID dt="i4">6662</dbID> <!-- Id in MDB -->
<ID_Number>1</ID_Number><!-- External -->
<VersionIsNull dt="i4">1</VersionIsNull> <!-- -->
<Name>CHASOVAIA</Name> <!-- Title -->
<Artist>Chelentano</Artist> <!-- Artist -->
<Author>RetrLogin</Author> <!-- Author -->
<Album>Help</Album> <!-- Album -->
<Category>LINKER\j;Category7</Category> <!-- List of item catregories separated by ';' -->
<DbName>EUROPA</DbName> <!-- Database name -->
<ModifyDT dt="i8">130144791024431404</ModifyDT> <!-- Item file modification time FILETIME -->
<UserAttribs> <!-- MDB user attributes. Enumerable string attributes stored in MDB. Created y user. -->
<ELEM> <!-- MDB user attribute -->
<Name>fm</Name> <!-- Atribute name -->
<ID dt="i4">10</ID> <!-- Attribute ID in MDB -->
<Value>classic</Value> <!-- Attribute value. (string) -->
<ID dt="i4">14</ID>
<ValStorage> <!-- User properties. Created by user. -->
<FloatUserProperty dt="f">123.1230011</FloatUserProperty> <!-- Float user property. -->
<IntUserUroperty dt="i4">12345</IntUserUroperty> <!-- Integer user property. -->
<StringUserProperty>String value</StringUserProperty> <!-- Text property. -->
<root> <!-- Schedule block -->
<Type dt="i4">1</Type>
<Name>Block name</Name>
<Time dt="i4">28200000</Time>
<Size dt="i4">245000</Size>
<CurId dt="i4">45</CurId>
<Flags dt="i4">0</Flags>
<PlaylistDateStr>понедельник 14.07.14</PlaylistDateStr>
<RMT> <!-- Block commands -->
<ShName>5A</ShName> <!-- Short name -->
<Name>5_AMPV</Name> <!-- Name -->
<Cmd dt="b">53455420564D49582E53554223352E494E23312053746174653D4F4E0D0A53455420564D49582E53554223352E494E23322053746174653D4F46460D0A</Cmd> <!-- Command data -->
<AtStart dt="i4">1</AtStart> <!-- 1 - Send command at block start, 2 - Send command at block end -->
<Preroll dt="i4">0</Preroll> <!-- Send preroll (ms) -->
<ExtStr>{DST=AXIA_VMIX_5}</ExtStr> <!-- Additional command properties (DST - command destination channel) -->
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