


Device driver (SkyLark)

Configuring the device driver (SkyLark)

You must add the following lines to config file:

CREATE_NET_PLUGIN SL_ManCamSystem_DriverPlugin ManCamSystem.dll Digispot.ManCamSystem.Driver.SkylarkDriverPlugin
SET_OBJ_BASE SL_ManCamSystem_DriverPlugin IP ""
SET_OBJ_BASE SL_ManCamSystem_DriverPlugin Layers "4942, 4943, 4944, 4945, 4946"
SET_OBJ_BASE SL_ManCamSystem_DriverPlugin TitrationModuleAddr "TitrationManagerPlugin"
SET_OBJ_BASE SL_ManCamSystem_DriverPlugin CameraControlModuleAddr "CameraManagerPlugin"

, where
IP – is the server address;
Layers – are the numbers of player ports (or player’s layers) that will be considered as separate devices;
TitrationModuleAddr - is the title module address;
CameraControlModuleAddr - is the camera control module address;

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