


Detailed list of innovations in 2.17.1

We are expanding the licensing system and introducing the concept of a "Role" - a set of available functions and configurations, as well as the notion of "competitive" and "personal licenses". The user is assigned a role, and when he is authorized in the Digispot system, he occupies either a registered license attached to him or, if he has a competitive license, he occupies one of them. The usual licensing system that is attached to a security key will also work.

Also, you can finally use files with different sampling rates in the schedule and Media DB without having to re-encode them.

New Modules

  • Virtual Mixing Panel (DSM-161)* allows you to broadcast additional sound sources and control them in a simple mixing panel. Through the panel, you can connect an arbitrary number of microphone inputs and organize live broadcasting without a physical mixer console.
  • Mixing console control (DSM-163)* supports the management of physical or virtual mixers via the Digispot II user interface. At the moment, physical mixers DHD, AEQ (Forum and Capitol), Axia (Element and Radius) and EELA Audio (D3) are supported. The module is a virtual mixing console with an unlimited number of rulers, each of which displays a name, amplification in dB, buttons "Stop" and "Start", a scale.
  • The report to the State Radio and Radio Fund (DSM-164)* automatically generates a report table and a set of audio files for sending a binding copy of documents in accordance with Federal Law No. 77 of 29.12.1994.
  • Substitution Service (DSM-165)* will help to make dynamic changes to news releases that are already in the process of broadcasting: for emergency issues, news about weather, traffic jams, etc.
  • Integration Service (DSM-167)* works on the Digispot Web platform and allows you to configure synchronization of the Digispot II schedule and Media DB fields with third-party systems (databases). Now the integration with musical rotators Music Master, GSelector, RAS system, etc. is realized with the help of the module.
  • Block duration adjustment (DSM-169)* adjusts the planned duration of the main schedule ad units for the maximum duration of the corresponding blocks of regional schedules.
  • Remote control AXIA (DSM-171)* allows the communication between Digispot II modules and AXIA mixers Element and the Radius, allowing remote control of broadcasting player: open or close the channel, run fader start, fader stop.
  • Task Manager: Auto delete items from categories (DSM-173)* deletes items from the Media DB after their expiration date. If the item is included in several categories, you can set the expiration date for each of them.
  • The "Block Loudness Control" group of modules allows you to automatically calculate the integral loudness of the broadcasted ad unit and compare it with the loudness of the surrounding material (5 minutes before and after). Modules included in the group: Task Manager: Loundess calculation (DSM-168), Loudness Log (DSM-177), Task Manager: Block Accounting (DSM-176).
  • Task Manager: scheduled report generation (DSM-172) generates a text report on schedules or logs for a given report template with the ability to specify a filter.

* are also included in 2.16.3

New Features

In the Decrocharge Scheduler you can now:

  • #46938 Compress and stretch decro elements for several seconds from the nominal duration without changing the sound
  • #44422, #30423, #44986 Add custom attributes and values
  • #30423 Change attributes names
  • #44425 Use the new rules for dividing attributes
  • #44982 Use the rules for dividing attributes by the names
  • #54095 Use the rules for dividing attributes considering the schedule of the head radio station
  • #55727 Use the priority of using the elements "Necessary, if spot not exists"
  • #58031 Process groups of blocks only if they have commercial

In the Media Planner you can now:

  • #58486 Сonfigure a media plan in a single window
    #58265 Display the degree of filling the block
    #56656 Change colours of spots:
    • #58214 Edit colors of custom attribute values
    • #58215 Display these colors in the commercial schedule
    • #58745 Select an attribute that will set the color of the media plan cell
  • #56652 Display custom attribute values in the commercial schedule
    • #58222 Work with attributes in the general settings of the media planner
    • #58219 Display current values of custom attributes in the commercial schedule
  • #53998 Use different tariff grids in a multilocal media plan:
    • #58279 Set separate tariffs for each schedule
    • #58281 Calculate the cost with several tariff grids
    • #58283 Make a report with reference to the different tariff system
    • #58343 Recalculate the cost of the media plan selecting a local one from a multilocal
  • #58271 Bind a discount / surcharge to the counterparty
    #58246 Ask for discounts for bonus spots
    #52624 Use non-integral discount values
    #57295 Automatically fill out the "Name" field in the account
    #48606 Transfer the media plan to another period
    #48597 Link the spot to the block in the hour by the block ID, and not by the block ordinal number in the hour
    #48599 See the table of tariff grids in a separate column and which ones are used
    #48605 Use advanced filtering by time intervals for counterparties
    #57048, #58196 Display the full name of the manager and additional information about him instead of login


  • #35059, #48449 Use the base of built-in standard icons
  • #42134, #52659 Escort / import layouts into / from the file along with images
  • #47370 Use the "Station on air" mode: switch mode by the console status, write a log
  • #48422 Copy button groups with saving links between them
  • #24529 Create master pages that can be part of different layouts

What else did we do in SJM:

  • #46736 Combined modules and installers of the editor and player
  • #45594 Re-calculated the font and grid scaling models to match the sizes of the old and new systems
  • #45148 Improved the logic and way of setting the links between the buttons 
  • #40784 Made Preroll play in the player
  • #35064 Implemented vertical / horizontal playback indicator on the whole button
  • #42280 Created a single menu of common SJM settings and sound devices
  • #35062 Added a countdown timer on the button
  • Developed a one-line view of the window title
  • #48450 Added the ability to edit parameters "allowed dimension", "beats per minute" (BPM) and "start type" for a group of buttons
  • #44720 Implemented the pre-listening mode
  • #52658 Developed the logic for adding / reading icons and background images
  • #51015 Modified the UI architecture and increased application performance
  • #51781 Added search for the name of the layout in the window for changing the layout
  • #54875 Simplified editing of icons and text on the button
  • #47363 Restored work with groups of layouts
  • #53184 Restored the work of custom buttons after it was broken
  • #56158 Added dependent and independent modes of operation of custom buttons
  • #51888, #53514 Delimited rights when working with the player and the editor
  • #48418 Added "blocked zones" and prohibition on their playing
  • #58079 Allowed to send control commands to only the station that is on the air
  • #53711 Set the logging of playback only in the player mode
  • #53786 Set up the logging of only the main track, if there are several of them on the button 
  • #50525 Add "Update item in SJM" command to the context menu of the database
  • #48403, #48440 Implemented Undo / Redo with a list of available steps
  • #57840, #57949 Fixed problems when managing SJM via TouchScreen
  • #56965 Implemented support for working with Quancom USB OPTREL device via CDU-file

In the Inserter Player:

  • #41631 Substitute_ID jingles
  • #58223 Do not start the backup player if there is no block
  • #56573 Load block sequences into the player
  • #58951 Finish the sidebar by label Start Next
  • #58226 Divide the launch of blocks by types
  • #59325 Precisely specify the start time of playback

As well as 

  • #57170 Corrected the problem when the application was launched, when the nearest time block was not loaded
  • #58766 Corrected the problem when gluing parameters were not applied

In Visual Radio, you can now (also included in 2.16.3):

  • #56599, #56603 Control cameras using VISCA protocol and work with presets
  • #56595 Configure the camera through the vid. file
  • #56601 Control cameras from the camera control panel in the module Radio Visualization: Camera Control Panel (DSM-143)
  • #56423 Manage cameras over TCP
  • #59923 Control Panasonic cameras AW-HE40
  • #58035 Use the device type "Console" in the video channel

In the broadcasting audio processor were added:

  • #41366 Adjusting the sound level after processing
  • #41407 Ability to create multiple user presets for each basic preset
  • #34387 Ability to save, copy and apply presets from an external file

In all applications in which there is a module "Schedule":

  • The ability to choose the calculating method of the release time of the schedule blocks: "planned" or "real" time. "Planned" is convenient for a schedule that is not fully formed. For example, at the planning stage, and when "gaps" for live broadcasts or retransmissions are scheduled. This method does not take into account release options and other properties of the blocks. "Real time" is based on the actual time of the elements on the air, it takes into account the options of the blocks or elements, as well as other properties of the blocks; only over-elements are ignored. The method is convenient when the schedule is fully formed, and it is already on the air. Using the "real time" method it's possible to control when and how all blocks will be played. 

Other improvements

We have increased the productivity and reliability of the software:

  • #51105, #51106, #49324 accelerated the operation of the Media DB, increased the memory capacity for loaded applications (DDB, AMPV) and implemented the correctness of the configuration file .vid, when it is edited independently.
  • #50313 Eliminated the memory leak that occurred after the schedule was closed (also included in 2.16.3)
  • #52233 Implemented the control of the correctness of the configuration file .vid
  • #58228 Eliminated the problem when reading .rtf files when all available memory was exhausted and the application crushed 

What plays in player as XML function has been improved:

  • Now the information about the elements that are played and loaded into the player, as well as about the elements that are scheduled, is included in the XML-file.
  • The data in the file is overwritten immediately after any changes in the player.
  • Features of revision:
    • queue length of items is not limited by the number of items loaded into the player;
    • extended XML includes custom properties, attributes, control commands, etc.;
    • store different schedules in separate files;
    • sequence of elements in the schedule completely coincides with the sequence in the player.

A series of improvements in the DJin layout window allows you to:

  • #41328 Use two types of music markup editor
  • #35072 Move the Outro label with the mouse
  • #41835 Work in the new Edit Start Label mode
  • #41326 Highlight 1 measure in bold
  • #41324 Toggle the ruler mode by the button
  • #41838 Work with the editor of the allowed dimension
  • #48414 Automatically set the first bit by the StartThis label
  • #50630 Configure blocked zones

In the technology of Media DB we have:

  • #58455 Corrected the problem of duplication of attributes and values, if the name of the user attributes coincides with the regular ones (category, performer, etc.) *
  • #41359 Added a separate column to display the BPM element *
  • #43689 Improved sorting in the advanced search window *

* Also included in 2.16.3

  • #48400 Added information about the original location of the file to the item's card when it was added to the Media DB
  • #47369 Added the ability to set properties of a group of elements by a "template" element
  • #34962 Expanded the ability to update items from the database when generating reports on a schedule and playback schedule. This is useful if the schedule was sent over the RDB and was broadcast on the client side, and the report is generated on the sender's side (also included in 2.16.2, 2.16.3).

In RDB technology we have:

  • #43349 Added the ability to forward directories along with subdirectories (also included in 2.16.2, 2.16.3)
  • #40927 The item that is removed from the category is deleted both on the client and server side (also fixed in 2.16.2, 2.16.3)

In the Agent, MDB-Import is configured:

  • #53175 Reading plain text from a * .doc file
  • #56335 Saving copies of imported files
  • #58556 Update information about items from Media DB by ID (ID_Number) for reports

We’ve worked on replication:

  • #46792 Developed a policy for editing block-clones when replicating a schedule. The system allows you to automatically create a schedule and include clones (full copies) of blocks from other schedules into it. When copying, the contents of the block can be changed. For this purpose, a special block with behavior is created in the schedule: a repeat block (also included in 2.16.3).
  • #58882 Added settings for block-clone properties in the repeat block and developed rules for their use in replication (also included in 2.16.3).
  • #23741 Adjusted the repeat interval of the repeat block so that it is counted from the hour of the repeat block
  • #23741 Reflected in the schedule in the column "Duration" the planned duration of repeat blocks

Now Digispot supports:

  • #34890 Video cards matrox LE3 (also included in 2.16.3)
  • #48657 Universal mixing console TP-7
  • #36881 Recording HTTP Live Streaming streams of Internet broadcasting (also included in 2.16.2, 2.16.3)
  • #32181, #14196, #61115 AAC format, AAC +: recording streams of Internet broadcasting (also included in 2.16.2, 2.16.3), multi-streaming, incl. different stream quality from one source (from version 2.17.0)
  • #58395 Protocol of the FM-processor Orban 5500 (RDS-service)

We also implemented integration with:

  • musical rotator GSelector (timetable, MDB)
  • #40208 consoles Axia Element and Axia Radius

In the X-Player:

  • #52903 A new mode of operation has appeared to track changes in the schedule
  • #34850 It is possible to disable the pause filling system in the relay mode (also included in 2.16.2, 2.16.3)
  • #35332 Autoblocks are not skipped when the command comes to the next relay block (also fixed in 2.16.2, 2.16.3)
  • #35666 If the connection to the root directory is lost, the hot standby system does not switch to the standby station (also fixed in 2.16.2, 2.16.3)
  • #26326 The block with the parameter "Manual download" does not enter the player, but is ignored. Instead, it reproduces an ad unit that is time-bound (also fixed in 2.16.2, 2.16.3)
  • #41302 The setting of the schedule path in the player and the schedule module is checked (also included in 2.16.2, 2.16.3)

In the X-Player and DJin 777 also appeared:

  • #46596 Ability to disable the transition to the backup relay channel (also included in 2.16.3)
  • #53127 Gain control in the DTMF detector (also included in 2.16.3)

In DJin 777 now:

  • #49833 The schedule is re-read when the last element of the block finished playing
  • #52118 The delayed operation is restored, when the broadcast is returned for relay

In the Gluing Editor we added:

  • #57810 Possibility to place labels through hot keys in the gluing window (also included in 2.16.3)
  • #57544 Ability to configure a hot key combination for buttons in the window of the editor of gluing (also included in 2.16.3)
  • #49468 Displays the runtime of an element when elements are stitched together in a schedule

As well as

  • #35590 Eliminated the problem when part of the contents of the block was deleted while saving the pasting, which was edited at the time of saving (also corrected in 2.16.2, 2.16.3)

In the sound editor Track-2 we fixed:

  • #58780 An error that occurred when mixing tracks due to special characters in the title
  • #57723 Incorrect definition of the duration of the sound of large MPEG-files

And also our developers:

  • #58413 Added hot key "Delete item before selected" in the schedule
  • #57423 Modified the processes of retrieving, loading and saving plug-ins that process the schedule (also included in 2.16.3)
  • #56114 Implemented in the RDS-service the issuance of dynamic information in the PS field
  • #42855 Added the ability to set the start time for repeating blocks in the interval up to 7 days (automatic re-broadcasting) (also included in 2.16.3)
  • #31036 Added the right to "Edit properties of own elements" in the rights group "Schedule" (also included in 2.16.3)
  • #43592 Returned the restriction on the text size of the stories in 2 MB
  • #54611 Fixed a bug when the Internet stream was not encoded in a low bitrate (fixed also in 2.16.3)
  • #35984 Extend the number of displayed GPI bits to 8 bytes (64 bits) (also included in 2.16.3)
  • Expanded the functionality of the module "Production and news mixing" (DSM-022), to quickly create news releases, to export the materials of the whole air schedule or its parts. Modified module Mixing the schedule can export the news schedule in the form of MDB elements or sound files. At the same time, the mixing of elements and blocks is much faster than their duration. The finished file takes into account the attributes of blocks and phonograms, gluing, timestamping and other parameters. In the course of scheduling, you can change the duration of the sound. Tickets: #41621, #41634, #41683, #42995, #43453, #41679, #41682, #42997, #41678, #41677, #41685, #41780.
  • #23840 Added a rotation to the grid module, taking into account the week of the month, year (also included in 2.16.3)

In Digispot WEB, we added a basic set of web services for working with the schedule, MDB, the editor of gluing, the system of recording fires and remote control of the X-player:

  • Redesigned the architecture of the entire solution for the sake of isolating Web services. Previously, web services directly connected to the settings, schedules and other data in the database and file structure, because of which you had to open access to internal network resources. This could be exploited by cybercriminals and gain access to sensitive data for users via the Internet. We isolated the web services, so they do not have direct access to the database, the schedule files, and they can reside in a different subnet (in the DMZ zone). And all the necessary information Digispot Web now receives, connecting via TCP, through special services on private protocols.
    • Configuration service which separates the Digispot II settings and the web-server settings.
    • Licensing service which separates the licensing system and the web server.
    • Administration service which works separately with the database and the level of user access to functions.
    • Database service which separates Digispot and Digispot WEB databases.
    • Service access to media storage, which allows to work with media content.
  • Service of substitution of schedule elements to automatically insert in the schedule the most up to date information.
  • Service of substitution of schedule elements to automatically insert in the schedule the most up to date information.
  • Integration service with RAS, which synchronizes the advertising schedule, data exchange between RAS server and Media DB or schedule. Also, the service provides information about the aired elements of the RAS.
  • Service integration with external systems, which provides two-way synchronization of databases (creating elements, removing / restoring items, changing the fields of elements), importing the schedule in Digispot II, synchronizing changes in the schedule, and reconciling the schedule with the transfer of the actual broadcasting time and broadcasting duration.
    Now the Integration Service allows you to set up synchronization with the Music Master database (using the MusicMaster Nexus application), G-Selector. In the future, we plan to realize the possibility of synchronization with other systems.
  • Component "Receiver", designed to organize listening to Internet audio stream.

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